
    Circular Notices

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    Circular Notices
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    Modified duty roster of Ld. ACMM for the month of September-2023, Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, Rouse Avenue District Courts, New Delhi. (PDF 228 KB) 04/09/2023
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    Order regarding authorization of Judicial Officers for disposing of bail/urgent applications pertaining to the Police Station/Investigating Agencies of Central District/Sessions Division of Delhi with effect from 31.08.2023, till further orders, Principal District & Sessions Judge (HQs), Delhi. (PDF 234.51 KB) 31/08/2023
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    Orders regarding postings/transfers in the Delhi Higher Judicial Service. (PDF 2.27 MB) 31/08/2023
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    Office order that eSewa Kendra of this Court and Delhi District Courts shall render necessary assistance to specially abled/visually impaired Advocates/litigants in person, in coverting the non-OCR files to accessibility compliant format. 28/08/2023
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    Advisory regarding cloud machines Delhi District Courts are being updated in terms of the security advisory received from NIC. Therefore the CIS of Rouse Avenue Court Complex may remain down for maintenance on 27.08.2023 (Sunday) and website of Delhi District Courts will remain down on 27.08.2023 between (8:00 pm) to (10:00 pm). (PDF 1.02 MB) 26/08/2023
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    Duty roster of Evening Court (Central District) for the month of September-2023, Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, Central District, Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi. (PDF 379.25 KB) 26/08/2023
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    Duty roster of Ld. Metropolitan Magistrates (Central District) for the month of September-2023, Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, Central District, Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi. (PDF 703.46 KB) 25/08/2023
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    Empanelment/Renewal of Panel of Mediators (Judicial Mediators, retired Judicial Mediators and Advocate Mediators of Delhi District Mediation Centres for the period w.e.f. 01.08.2023 to 31.07.2024. (PDF 1.66 MB) 19/08/2023
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    Training Programme of CIS latest version for all the Judicial Officers including Family Courts conducting in all the District Courts, Delhi. (PDF 221.58 KB) 19/08/2023
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    Circular regarding Demise of Dr. Raj Kumar, revered father of Ms. Aditi Garg, Ld. ASJ-06, West District, Tis Hazari Court Complex, Delhi. (PDF 194.81 KB) 19/08/2023
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    Removal Notification to remove name of Advocates from the roll of Bar Council of Delhi Due to L.L.B Degree/Marks Sheet Reported to be Fake/Forged. (PDF 1.39 MB 18/08/2023
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    Repatriation of Ms. Ravindrer Bedi, DHJS, presently on deputation Registrar, in the National Company Law Tribunal to her parent cadre. (PDF 343.09 KB) 18/08/2023
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    Partial modification in the duty roster of Ld. ACMM/CMM for the dates 18.08.2023, 19.08.2023 & 20.08.2023, Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Rouse Avenue District Courts, New Delhi. (PDF 228.27 KB) 18/08/2023
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    Nomination lists of Judicial Officers for attending Workshop on Professional & Personal Excellence (Optional) for Mixed Group of DHJS & DJS Officers on 20th October, 2023. (PDF 460.86 KB) 18/08/2023
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    Circular regarding imparting of training to the court officials by DDMA i.e. Delhi Disaster Management Authority in respect of handling of Fire Hydrants And Extinguishers proposed to be fixed for 23.08.2023 from 2.00 p.m to 5.00 p.m in Room No 135, Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi. ( 1.58 MB)PDF 1.58 MB) 18/08/2023
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    Order regarding transfer & posting of official (Admn-II) in official exigency with immediate effect, Principal District & Sessions Judge, Rouse Avenue District Courts, New Delhi. (188.11 KB) 18/08/2023
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    Attachment of IAS Officer Trainees from 21.08.2023 to 25.08.2023 at Honourable District Courts of Delhi. (PDF 870.35 KB) 18/08/2023
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    Order regarding of re-constituted Committee for Disaster Management & Fire Safety for Tis Hazari Courts Complex Delhi, Principal District & Sessions Judge (HQs), Delhi. (PDF 195.59 KB)) 18/08/2023
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    Judgment/Order dated 02.08.2023 passed by Honourable Mr. Justice Dinesh Kumar Sharma in Crl. M.C. No. 5319/2023, Crl. M.A. 20221/2023, titled as Deepak Agnihotri Vs. Govt. of NCT of Delhi. (PDF 881.16 KB) 17/08/2023
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    Order regarding transfers & postings of personal assistants in official exigency, with immediate effect, Principal District & Sessions Judge (HQs), Delhi. (PDF 376.26 KB) 17/08/2023
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    Order regarding transfers & postings of personal assistants (Admn-I) in official exigency with immediate effect, Principal District & Sessions Judge, Rouse Avenue District Courts, New Delhi. (PDF 228.37 KB) 11/08/2023
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    Order regarding of constituted Committee for considering the requests related to Cadre Change as per amended rule 41(1) of Chapter VIII (Miscellaneous) of Delhi District Courts Establishment (Appointment & Conditions of Service) Rules, 2012, with immediate effect, Principal District & Sessions Judge (HQs), Delhi. (PDF 178.49 KB) 11/08/2023
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    Order regarding of partial modification in the duty roster of Ld. Metropolitan Magistrates , Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, Central District, Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi. (PDF 202.27 KB) 11/08/2023
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    Circular for all the Judicial Officers posted in Central & West District that any changes made in NJDG related to JO Code and Designation will be reflected in JUSTIS app after some time. (PDF 209.52 KB) 11/08/2023
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    Order regarding transfers & postings of personal assistants (Admn-I) in official exigency with immediate effect, Principal District & Sessions Judge, Rouse Avenue District Courts, New Delhi. (PDF 228.37 KB) 11/08/2023
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    Order regarding of constituted Committee for considering the requests related to Cadre Change as per amended rule 41(1) of Chapter VIII (Miscellaneous) of Delhi District Courts Establishment (Appointment & Conditions of Service) Rules, 2012, with immediate effect, Principal District & Sessions Judge (HQs), Delhi. (PDF 11/08/2023
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    Circular regarding calculations of Income Tax for the Financial Year 2023-2024 corresponding to the Assessment Year 2024-2025. (PDF 688.21 KB) 10/08/2023
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    Circular regarding inviting application amongst the willing Group-B & C officials for seeking allotment of Residential accommodation i.e. House No. 301, Type-II & Hose No. 304, Type-III, Residential Court Complex, KKD Courts Delhi, Principal District & Sessions Judge (HQs), Delhi. (PDF 220.93 KB) 10/08/2023
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    Circular regarding organizing Har Ghar Tiranga campaign from 13th to15th august, 2023 for encouraging the citizens to hoist the National Flag of India in their homes so as to instil the feeling of patriotism in the heats of people. (PDF 445.87 KB) 10/08/2023
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    Notification regarding declaration of 09th September 2023, second Saturday as holiday for the District Courts of Delhi. (PDF 6 MB) 09/08/2023
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