
    Circular Notices

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    Circular Notices
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    Order regarding discharge of Sh. Gautam Kumar, JJA (EC 36536237) from the services, Principal District & Sessions Judge (HQs), Delhi. (PDF 173.94 KB) 08/01/2024
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    Order regarding taking up Sh.Sachin Dalal as process server on the pay roll of this establishment, Principal District & Sessions Judge (HQs) Delhi. (PDF 237.72 KB) 08/01/2024
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    Order regarding transfer and postings of court officials in RACC, New Delhi. (PDF 222.09 KB) 06/01/2024
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    Order regarding constituting committee for identify the category of Cases which require digitization and “Petty Cases” which do not require digitization. (PDF 172.10 KB) 05/01/2024
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    Order regarding modification of duty roster, RACC, New Delhi. (PDF 181.70 KB) 04/01/2024
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    Order regarding nominating Ms. Tista Shah, ARC-01, Central, Tis Hazari Court as link-II to look after the work of the office Administrative Civil Judge, Central. (PDF 200.24 KB) 04/01/2024
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    Order regarding transfer and posting of court officials, Principal District & Sessions Judge (HQs) Delhi. (PDF 165.70 KB) 04/01/2024
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    Circular regarding using official email IDs instead of private domain email IDs, for all officials communication and get update the same on the official website at the earliest. (PDF 250.05 KB) 04/01/2024
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    Order regarding resignation of Sh. Nand Kishore, JA, Principal District & Sessions Judge (HQs) Delhi. (PDF 223.29 KB) 02/01/2024
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    Order regarding strike off the name of Ms Uma Gaur, SJA due to her demise, Principal District & Sessions Judge (HQs) Delhi. (PDF 180.19 KB) 02/01/2024
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    Order regarding appointment of Sh Satish Kumar Arora, Ld DHJS as an officer on Special duty to supervise the work of Case Flow Management on deputation basis. (PDF 337.54 KB) 02/01/2024
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    Order regarding Voluntary Retirement of Sh. Deepak Sharma S/o Lt.Sh. Radhey Raman Dharma, Sr. Judicial Assistant. Principal District & Sessions Judge (HQs) Delhi. (PDF 155.98 KB) 02/01/2024
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    Order regarding committees for tis hazari court complex, Delhi, Principal & Sessions Judge (HQs) Delhi. (PDF 02/01/2024
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    Order regarding re-constituted committees for all district with immediate effect, Principal District & Sessions Judge (HQs) Delhi. (PDF 747.12 KB) 02/01/2024
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    Order regarding re-constituted committee for Central District, Principal & Sessions Judge (HQs) Delhi. (PDF 241.74 KB) 02/01/2024
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    Judgment/Order dated 22.12.23 passed by Hon’ble Ms.Justice Swarana Kanta Sharma in Crl. M.C. 9100/2023 & Crl. M.A. 33976/2023, titled “Vinod Kumar & Anr. Vs. State NCTD & Anr.” 02/01/2024
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    Circular regarding get-together on 02.01.2024 on the occasion of the New Year, Principal District & Sessions Judge (HQs),Delhi. (PDF 139.49 KB) 30/12/2023
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    Order regarding deputing Sh. Vineet Kumar, JA, (Branch In charge in General Branch) as Nodal Officer for department examination for the post of Senior Judicial Assistant. (PDF 191.97 KB) 29/12/2023
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    Order regarding performing duty on 29.12.2023 to dispose of urgent administrative work of Central District and shall avail compensatory leave in lieu of the same. (PDF 156.21 KB) 29/12/2023
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    Interim order of Data Entry Operators Grade-A, (I.T. Cell, HQs) are deputed in the branch of Digitization Cell, Patiala House Court Complex, Delhi on temporary basis till 20.01.2024. (PDF 167.15 KB) 23/12/2023
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    Letter regarding appointment of the Sr. Administrative Officer (Judl.) at Level 12 (Pay Matrix of Seventh Pay Commission) in the office of the Pr. Distt & Sessions Judge (HQs), Delhi. (PDF 293.06) 23/12/2023
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    Order regarding Voluntary Retirement of Sh. Rajinder Kumar, Peon S/o Sh. Ram Sarup, Principal District & Sessions (HQs) Delhi. (PDF 150.09 KB)) 23/12/2023
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    Order regarding superannuation of Sh. Vijender Kumar, Civil Nazir, S/o Sh. Inder Pal, Principal District & Sessions (HQs) Delhi. (PDF 149.00 KB) 23/12/2023
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    Training program for all the Judicial Officers of DHJS & DJS for sensitizing on the importance and utilization of VWDCs. (PDF 179.30 KB) 23/12/2023
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    Circular regarding submitting written objection in case of rejection of application for the post of SJA in layer on or before 05.01.2023, Principal Distt & Sessions Judge (HQs), Delhi.(PDF 434.46) 23/12/2023
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    Duty roster of Oath Commissioners for the month of January, 2024, Principal District & Sessions Judge (HQs) Delhi. (PDF 437.46 KB) 23/12/2023
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    Order regarding transfer and posting of court officials, Principal District & Sessions Judge (HQs), Delhi. (PDF 2.33 MB) 23/12/2023
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    Circular regarding Delhi Bar Association is organizing Khel-Utsav-2024, Principal District & Sessions Judge (HQs) Delhi. (PDF 1.57 MB) 23/12/2023
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    Circular regarding permission for addition/deletion in Empanelment/Renewal of Panel of Mediators for the year 2023-2024, Principal District & Sessions Judge (HQs),Delhi. (PDF 779.94 KB) 23/12/2023
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    Interim order of DEOs Gr-A presently posted in IT Cell ,THC are deputed in the branch of Digitization Cell, PHC, Delhi on temporary basis till 20.01.2024 (PDF 167.15 KB) 23/12/2023
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